E-Lab Software specifically for clinical labs to Generate Accurate Test Reports, Whatsapp reports to Doctor and Patient, Maintain Patient History. Manage Doctor Sharing, and Generate QR Code for Report Verification and more
E-Lab Software specifically for clinical labs to Generate Accurate Test Reports, Whatsapp reports to Doctor and Patient, Maintain Patient History. Manage Doctor Sharing, and Generate QR Code for Report Verification and more
Minimized Chances of any mistake while entering test reports
Minimized Chances of any mistake while entering test reports
Self Customizable Test Report Formats
Self Customizable Test Report Formats
Generate QR Code For Report Verification
Generate QR Code For Report Verification
Doctors Profit Sharing Report
Doctors Profit Sharing Report
Edit or modify Test masters yourself
Edit or modify Test masters yourself
User Rights
User Rights
Innovative Test Search
Innovative Test Search
Attractive Dashboard
Attractive Dashboard